Love Poetry

Impressed By You

There is a young man who has been impressed by you.
He's a young man who's been watching you.
He's been watching and listening to you.
His eyes are on you.

You have impressed him without knowing it.
When you couldn't be disrespectful
In the class project,
He noticed, and noted it.

When you went out your way
To make a friend’s birthday
A special one,
He noticed, and noted it.

When you planned to surprise your Auntie,
When she came back from London,
For her birthday,
He noticed and noted it.

He has noticed the beauty
That you behold.
He has noticed the Spirit of Christ
That controls your soul.

He has been impressed by you
By your beauty and your spirit to.
There was nothing you had to do,
You were only being you.

And that has left a favorable impression
On this young man.
He has become astounded with your disposition
And attributes you to be a virtuous woman.

So know this, that he is admiring you
And is deeply impressed by you.
And would love
To get to know more about you.

Impressed by you

© Tecko H. Green


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